Saturday, September 17, 2011

My collection and its purpose.

I've been working for for about a year and half now.  I've gained invaluable experience from the highly experienced techs there as well as made some connections with other players in the motorcycle industry.  Its been great.  In addition to these gains over the past year and a half, I've also  acquired a collection of "things." 

"Things?", you might ask.   Yes, things.  Random stuff.  Broken pieces.  Bits of metal.  Pieces of plastic.  Non-functional components. To some these things would be cracked, trashed, useless garbage and I suppose they are right.  But they all have one thing in common.  All of these pieces at some point or another caused a perfectly running motorcycle or scooter to perform sub-par.  The out of tune violin that caused the symphony to collapse, the loud mouth who disrupts the class, the old man on the highway going 45...  You get the idea.  But why would I keep these things?

Initially it was a learning experience.  A reminder of what not to do.  (My broken bolts and screws collection that needed extraction is respectable.)  But now its turned into something else.  It occurred to me that all these parts could be combined in such a way to be considered "artwork."  I use the term loosely of course but it seems interesting to me.  Not quite as exciting as building a 427 Shelby from a kit in my garage but interesting all the same.  Lets see what I can come up with....